The Best I Could Do

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Ankole Cattle Red Bird Parrots Storks Beaver Tree
Asia at the AK Iggy Wanna? Tapir Fruit Bats Tiger
Obsured bunny Giraffe out the window Giraffes everywhere More Giraffes So close...
Hungry hungry hippos Smart monkey Lufalumps Baobob Tree More plaster
Random birds Waterfall It's hard being me More bunnys Statue?
Don't ask Statue in Italy in Epcot Mexico in Epcot Illuminations Too much time on their hands?
TMK Who gets their hair cut at Disney? Train station Duck number one Here's hoping
Tom Sawyer Pirates of the Caribbean Aye Matey Not Epcot! SFR
The Men themselves Juxtaposition Awwwww More ducks Macro rose
Macro rose Waterfall P TITLE3 JC Swan Cinderella's Castle1
Inside of Cinderella's Castle Fireworks out the window Closing time Animal Kingdom Lodge Lobby Animal Kingdom Lodge Lobby
Through the looking glass Animal Kingdom Lodge Lobby Animal Kingdom Lodge Lobby Animal Kingdom Lodge Pool MGM Entrance
Tower of Terror You're got to be kidding! Don't eat first What the?? Ms. Piggy
Wilderness Lodge Chattin' it up What the??? Aren't zoom lenses great? Awww 2
Posing for the camera What the??? If I play dead, maybe no one will pet me Africa at AK Africa at Ak
What the??? Second try's the charm Asia Bird on a hot tin roof National Geographic
Postcard Ubiquitous Golf Ball Shot Epcot England Epcot France More macro
Epcot Morocco Epcot Morocco More Moroccoa at Epcot Golfball from Japan Italian Play
Deutsche Land More Germany at Epcot View across Epcot Epcot China Norway at Epcot
Inside Mexico More animals off the balcony Another Ankole It's about time! Zebras, wildebeasts and giraffes oh my!
Wildebeasts in a row Wildebeasts A room with a view The only good thing... Welcome to St. Lucia
Windjammer Landing lobby Our villa Our villa Our villa Our villa
Our villa Our villa Our villa Our villa Bird on a ... railing.
View from Dragonfly Pool at night Bring on the dessert The main pool Along the water
Rain rain go away Along the boardwalk Bold birds Hungry bird Our villa
Our villa Our villa Windjammer Landing Trying to be artistic again Scenery
More scenery Windjammer Landing Castries Castries Castries
More scenery Bananas as far as the eye can see Bananas Random cattle JR
Bamboo Rainforest Rainforest Rainforest Rainforest
Rainforest waterfall Rainforest waterfall Rainforest Rainforest Waterfall Rainforest Waterfall
What the??? Fishing village Fishing village Marigot Bay Mangroves
More rain Jammers Just don't do it Windjammer Landing Daysail
Rough sailing Three to Tango The Pitons Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens
Gros Piton More macro flowers Botanical Gardens More macro flowers Botanical Gardens
Chocolate! Chocolate! Plantation Plantation house Planatation
Sulfur Springs Sulfur Springs Sulfur Springs Sulfur Springs Sulfur Springs
Soufriere Soufriere The Pitons Cliffs of...? Waves crashing
Brig Unicorn Talk to me Mon! Fisherman Sunset Cruise Wedding gazebo
Brig Unicorn Night sky Our villa Our villa Serenity Spa
Windjammer Landing Our villa Windjammer Landing Windjammer Landing Dragonfly
Jammers Wedding gazebo Sunset almost Sunset almost Our villa
Windjammer Landing Windjammer Landing Sun on the water Windjammer Landing Windjammer Landing
Brig Unicorn Brig Unicorn Brig Unicorn Sailing Sea of masts
Contemplation Green right leaving Sunset substitute Pigeon Island Brig Unicorn
Brig Unicorn Almost sunset